Simplex Spellng for iPhone 5 screen shots
Spelling "chapter" incorrectly with a letter incorrect.
Spelling "chapter" incorrectly after using the hint button.
Spelling "chapter" incorrectly after using the hint button and the phonogram buttons.
Spelling "citizen" incorrectly with one incorrect letter.
Spelling "citizen" incorrectly with one incorrect letter after using the hint button.
Spelling "citizen" incorrectly after using the hint button and the phonogram buttons.
Spelling "ice" with an incorrect letter.
Spelling "ice" incorrectly after using the hint button.
Spelling "ice" incorrectly after using the phonogram hint buttons.
Spelling "inside" with two letters in the incorrect position.
Spelling "inside" incorrectly after using the hint button.
Spelling "inside" incorrectly after using the phonogram hint buttons.
Lesson for "Long I" sound for CVCE words ending in a silent 'e'.
Lesson for "Long O" sound for CVCE words ending in a silent 'e'.
User progress screen displaying practice list.